Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Came Early

First thank you everyone for the continued support over the last week. Christmas has come early for us Busta's - we were blessed to learn late last week that the pathology reports all came back negative for the tumors removed last Monday - NO CANCER! WOOHOO! This is a huge blessing and even larger relief. I'll continue serious testing every 6 months for the next 5-10 years, with the chance of them returning being slim.
Our lives will begin to regain some normalcy after I get back to work in January. Until then, next few weeks will be filled with rest and relaxation and the holiday's. Hopefully I can prevent myself from going nuts from cabin fever. For those that know me I find it hard not to be busy and I already (yes believe it or not) miss my job. However, I have a ton of crocheting projects on the docket as well as a full arsenal of movies that are ready to be enjoyed. For those that are near feel free to give me a call if you want to swing in and visit - I love the company and distraction.
